Istanbul Agop Xist Power 16″ Crash Cymbal


The Istanbul Xist 16” Power Crash Cymbal produces a confident sound with a wide tonal range. The crash has a 16” diameter for a quick attack and charismatic performance. The B20 material is 80 copper and 20 tin, which is ideal for achieving both dark and light sounds for a variety of rock based music. The Xist series of cymbals feature Istanbul’s pre-form casting technique for an authentic look and modern sound. The Power crash’s flexible character makes it ideal to add to depth to your cymbal collection.


  • 16” Crash Ideal for Developing Rock and Metal Musicians
  • B20 Bronze Alloy Produces Versatile Tonal Range
  • Unlathed Bell for a Separated Sound
  • Pre-Form Casting for an Authentic Feel
  • Brilliant Finish for a Modern Look and Brighter Tone
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